"Căzând în mare, picătura de ploaie în mare se transformă."
"Pentru o ploaie banală, atâta risipă de fulgere."
"Am convenit ca lacrimile cerului să se numească ploaie."
Ce e mai frumos ca statul in casa cu o cana de cafea sau ciocolata calda in mana,pe timp de ploaie?
Ce e mai frumos ca sunetul picaturilor de ploaie care cad in balconul tau,in timp ce tu stai adapostit in camera ta,cantand la pian o melodie lenta?
Chiar daca nu ai o cafea sau o camera proprie,sau chiar un pian,sunt sigura ca cel mai frumos e sa stai in casa pe timp de ploaie,sa te uiti pe fereastra la oamenii de afara cum se zbat cu umbrelele lor colorate,luate de vant.
Nimic nu se compara cu patul tau caldut,acea perna pufoasa,acea pilota verde pe care sti ca pe timp de vara ai luat-o de la ikea..nimic nu se compara cu toate astea cand afara tuna si fulgera si tu sti ca esti in siguranta in patul tau.
Dar cel mai frumos este sa fi afara...
Sa simti cum picaturile te uda incet pana la piele.
Sa fi cu persoana iubita si dupa un sarut luuung,cum numai voi stiti,sa inceapa ploaie,ca un semn ca acel sarut nu va trebui sa se uite.
Sa sti doar ca ploaia e un semn de la Dumnezeu..si daca crezi in asta,nimic nu te va face nervos cand ploua.
luni, 31 august 2009
miercuri, 19 august 2009
Te iubesc.
Oh Doamne,daca ai sti cat te iubesc.Cum se poate sa nu iti dai seama?Cum este posibil?Nu se vede k sunt innebunita dupa tine?:-
Pentru tine este aceasta poastare.Pentru ca nu iti dai seama cine te iubeste cu adevarat.
Pentru tine este aceasta poastare.Pentru ca nu iti dai seama cine te iubeste cu adevarat.
marți, 18 august 2009
Nu stiu ce sa ma zic.Ma simt aiurea si fara sperante.
Nu pot iesi din starea asta de depresie.
Ma doare inima.
Cei mai mari dusmani ai mei se vor bucura pt postul asta..N.au decat!
Din partea mea,sa faca ce vor ei.
Imi iubesc parintii,prietenii,pe Dumnezeu,pe bunicul...
Ah,am o singura dorinta..dar nu se poate indeplini.
E imposibil.
S.a dus orice speranta...
Nu stiu ce sa ma zic.Ma simt aiurea si fara sperante.
Nu pot iesi din starea asta de depresie.
Ma doare inima.
Cei mai mari dusmani ai mei se vor bucura pt postul asta..N.au decat!
Din partea mea,sa faca ce vor ei.
Imi iubesc parintii,prietenii,pe Dumnezeu,pe bunicul...
Ah,am o singura dorinta..dar nu se poate indeplini.
E imposibil.
S.a dus orice speranta...
marți, 11 august 2009
dialog 1
baiatel1: tu esti fata sau baiat?
coraline: e....fata da!
cola: : ) )
coraline: sora...mea !
baiatel2: aha...
(oare ce faceam eu cu coraline in acel moment?:)) invatam sa mergem pe bicicleta)
baietel1:macar tu sti sa mergi pe bicicleta?
coraline:da..! stiu...
baietel1: imi dai si mie bicicleta?
cola: nu..nu: ) )
coraline: da...sigur ia-o
(in timp ce baietelul se plimba,noi ne uitam una la alta ca proastele.baietelul s`a intors,ne-a dat bicicleta iar noi ne-am continuat misiunea.)
cola:hai,hai sa mai incerc.
coraline:hai te tin de sa si te imping.o sa reusesti pana la urma.
dialog 2
cola:ma duc sa-mi iau niste paine prajita cu phildelphia.
(dupa cateva minute m.am intors si m.am oprit din uns painea cu philadelphia si i-am spus: )
cola:aaa...sa nu razi de mine daca...sti...eu nu vreau sa razi de mine ca o sa-mi pun ceva pe paine.
(vin eu dupa cateva secunde cu o sticluta in mana.ce era in sticluta?condimente pt pui!!:)) )
coraline:da si mie!
cola:nuuu!!mi-e foame.
(Dar mi-a luat fara sa spun ceva.)
coraline:mai ce gustos e!!!nebuuuuno!;))
coraline:mai vreau.mai luam!?
(Si in clipa aia a sunat mama ei sa o ajutam cu plasele.Deci s.a terminat cea mai gustoasa mancare din viata mea: ) )
baiatel1: tu esti fata sau baiat?
coraline: e....fata da!
cola: : ) )
coraline: sora...mea !
baiatel2: aha...
(oare ce faceam eu cu coraline in acel moment?:)) invatam sa mergem pe bicicleta)
baietel1:macar tu sti sa mergi pe bicicleta?
coraline:da..! stiu...
baietel1: imi dai si mie bicicleta?
cola: nu..nu: ) )
coraline: da...sigur ia-o
(in timp ce baietelul se plimba,noi ne uitam una la alta ca proastele.baietelul s`a intors,ne-a dat bicicleta iar noi ne-am continuat misiunea.)
cola:hai,hai sa mai incerc.
coraline:hai te tin de sa si te imping.o sa reusesti pana la urma.
dialog 2
cola:ma duc sa-mi iau niste paine prajita cu phildelphia.
(dupa cateva minute m.am intors si m.am oprit din uns painea cu philadelphia si i-am spus: )
cola:aaa...sa nu razi de mine daca...sti...eu nu vreau sa razi de mine ca o sa-mi pun ceva pe paine.
(vin eu dupa cateva secunde cu o sticluta in mana.ce era in sticluta?condimente pt pui!!:)) )
coraline:da si mie!
cola:nuuu!!mi-e foame.
(Dar mi-a luat fara sa spun ceva.)
coraline:mai ce gustos e!!!nebuuuuno!;))
coraline:mai vreau.mai luam!?
(Si in clipa aia a sunat mama ei sa o ajutam cu plasele.Deci s.a terminat cea mai gustoasa mancare din viata mea: ) )
luni, 10 august 2009
La multi ani,Clara!
La multi ani,copilo!
The story:
Ne-am intalnit la Mc unirii si am intrat in magazin k sa urcam la etaju 4:> la bowling.Timp d 2 ore ne.am jucat bowling.Am castigaaat\m/.
Apoi ne.am dus sa mancam ceva si sa bem o bere:>.Clara s.a imbatat:))
Apoi am mers si am jucat niste jocuri:D.Ne-am continuat ziua cu o mica plimbare prin Unirii:) la Diverta.
Ma rog..si intr-un final am intrat in Mc si ne-am luat 3 inghetate si 2 pahare d cola:>:))...
Clara,Cristina iti ureaza sanatate=))[gluma proasta,stiu.Dar o gusta numai cine stie despre ce e vorba:>in familie:))]
The story:
Ne-am intalnit la Mc unirii si am intrat in magazin k sa urcam la etaju 4:> la bowling.Timp d 2 ore ne.am jucat bowling.Am castigaaat\m/.
Apoi ne.am dus sa mancam ceva si sa bem o bere:>.Clara s.a imbatat:))
Apoi am mers si am jucat niste jocuri:D.Ne-am continuat ziua cu o mica plimbare prin Unirii:) la Diverta.
Ma rog..si intr-un final am intrat in Mc si ne-am luat 3 inghetate si 2 pahare d cola:>:))...
Clara,Cristina iti ureaza sanatate=))[gluma proasta,stiu.Dar o gusta numai cine stie despre ce e vorba:>in familie:))]
No mommy, don`t do it again!
Don`t do it again!
I`ll be a good boy
I`ll be a good boy, I promise.
No mommy, don`t hit me!
Why did you have to hit me like that, mommy?!
Don`t do it, you`re hurting me!
Why did you have to be such a bitch?
Why don`t you,
Why don`t you fuck off and die?
Why can`t you just fuck off and die?!
Why can`t you just leave here and die?
Never stick your hand in my face again, bitch!
Fuck you!
I don`t need this shit.
You stupid sadistic and abusive fucking whore!
How would you have to see how it feels, mommy?
Here it comes, get ready to die!
Don`t do it again!
I`ll be a good boy
I`ll be a good boy, I promise.
No mommy, don`t hit me!
Why did you have to hit me like that, mommy?!
Don`t do it, you`re hurting me!
Why did you have to be such a bitch?
Why don`t you,
Why don`t you fuck off and die?
Why can`t you just fuck off and die?!
Why can`t you just leave here and die?
Never stick your hand in my face again, bitch!
Fuck you!
I don`t need this shit.
You stupid sadistic and abusive fucking whore!
How would you have to see how it feels, mommy?
Here it comes, get ready to die!
:-< Michael
He got flat baby
Kick in the back baby
A heart attack baby
I need your body
A hot kiss honey
He's just a bitch baby
You make me sick baby
So unrelying
I'm such a swine baby
All down the line daddy
I hate your kind baby
So unreliable
A hot buzz baby
He's one of us baby
Another drug baby
You so desire
Trust in me
Trust in me
Put all your trust in me
You're doin' morphine
They got place baby
Kicked in the face baby
You hate your race baby
You're just a liar
Your every lick baby
Your dog's a bitch baby
You make me sick baby
You soul survivor
She never cut from me
She never cut baby
I had to work baby
You just a rival
Always to please daddy
Right up and leave daddy
You're thorwing shame daddy
So undesirable
Trust in me
Just in me
Put all your trsut in me
You're doin' morphine
Go'on babe
This won't hurt you
Before I put it in
Close your eyes and count to ten
Don't cry
I won't convert you
There's no need to dismay
Close your eyes and drift away
Oh God he's taking demerol
Oh God he's taking demerol
He's tried
Hard to convince her
To be over what he had
Today he wants it twice as bad
Don't cry
I won't resent you
Yesterday you had his trust
Today he's taking twice as much
Oh God he's taking demerol
Oh my Oh God it's Demerol
He got shit baby
Your dog's a bitch baby
You make me sick baby
You are a liar
Is truth a game daddy
To win the fame baby
It's all the same baby
You're so reliable
Trust in me
Trust in me
Put all your trust in me
She's doin' morphine
You just sit around just talkin' nothing
You're takin' morphine
Go'on baby
You just sit around just talking about it
You're takin' morphine
Just sit around just talking nothing about it
You're takin' morphine
You just sit around just talking about it
You're taking morphine
You just sit around just talkin' nothin'
And takin' morphine
I'm going down baby
You're talkin' Morphine
Go'on baby!
Do it!
He's takin' morphine
Kick in the back baby
A heart attack baby
I need your body
A hot kiss honey
He's just a bitch baby
You make me sick baby
So unrelying
I'm such a swine baby
All down the line daddy
I hate your kind baby
So unreliable
A hot buzz baby
He's one of us baby
Another drug baby
You so desire
Trust in me
Trust in me
Put all your trust in me
You're doin' morphine
They got place baby
Kicked in the face baby
You hate your race baby
You're just a liar
Your every lick baby
Your dog's a bitch baby
You make me sick baby
You soul survivor
She never cut from me
She never cut baby
I had to work baby
You just a rival
Always to please daddy
Right up and leave daddy
You're thorwing shame daddy
So undesirable
Trust in me
Just in me
Put all your trsut in me
You're doin' morphine
Go'on babe
This won't hurt you
Before I put it in
Close your eyes and count to ten
Don't cry
I won't convert you
There's no need to dismay
Close your eyes and drift away
Oh God he's taking demerol
Oh God he's taking demerol
He's tried
Hard to convince her
To be over what he had
Today he wants it twice as bad
Don't cry
I won't resent you
Yesterday you had his trust
Today he's taking twice as much
Oh God he's taking demerol
Oh my Oh God it's Demerol
He got shit baby
Your dog's a bitch baby
You make me sick baby
You are a liar
Is truth a game daddy
To win the fame baby
It's all the same baby
You're so reliable
Trust in me
Trust in me
Put all your trust in me
She's doin' morphine
You just sit around just talkin' nothing
You're takin' morphine
Go'on baby
You just sit around just talking about it
You're takin' morphine
Just sit around just talking nothing about it
You're takin' morphine
You just sit around just talking about it
You're taking morphine
You just sit around just talkin' nothin'
And takin' morphine
I'm going down baby
You're talkin' Morphine
Go'on baby!
Do it!
He's takin' morphine
sâmbătă, 8 august 2009
Ca dracu...
Cum ai putut sa.mi faci una ca asta?Te simti?Da,da,e vorba de tine.Te urasc..si in acelasi timp..Te iubesc.
Am renuntat.
Am renuntat.
joi, 6 august 2009
La multi ani,Valentina!
La multi ani,Valentina mea mica si scumpa si iubita de numai 14 anisori>:D<.
The best day ever.Bereeee >:)[muhaha vba ta;))]doamneee.si intrecerea,si Nicu:)),si tatal tau cu Marlboro:-s,si inghetata,pizza,nestea cu lamaie si piersici,cola.
Ah,vaaai,creepy school:)).Frateee,nu e tare scoala noaptea?>:)Cu holurile alea negre si intunecate,cu chicotele tale,si suflarea aceea grea de la prea mult alergat,muzica bodyguardului[am scris bine?:))],punga aia de la mega image :)).Si Nicu cum aparea de dupa colt ca o umbra maaaare si neagra:)).Si tipeteeele.Si fulgerul,si tunetele,si sperietura,si ploaia:-s.
Si cum am ajuns inapoi la restaurant de parca facusem dus:)).
Si faza tare cu Catalina,Nicu si scaunu:)).Si la sfarsit cik Catalina ne pupa nush ce:))si knd sa il pupe pe Nicu face "pe tine nu te pup.lasa ca nu uit eu ce mi.ai fakt" =)).
Hai frateee...chiar the best day ever.Genial:X.
Va iubesc:).Te iubesc,Valentina.
Na postare in cinstea ta."Sa ne traiesti 100 de ani" =))=))=))
The best day ever.Bereeee >:)[muhaha vba ta;))]doamneee.si intrecerea,si Nicu:)),si tatal tau cu Marlboro:-s,si inghetata,pizza,nestea cu lamaie si piersici,cola.
Ah,vaaai,creepy school:)).Frateee,nu e tare scoala noaptea?>:)Cu holurile alea negre si intunecate,cu chicotele tale,si suflarea aceea grea de la prea mult alergat,muzica bodyguardului[am scris bine?:))],punga aia de la mega image :)).Si Nicu cum aparea de dupa colt ca o umbra maaaare si neagra:)).Si tipeteeele.Si fulgerul,si tunetele,si sperietura,si ploaia:-s.
Si cum am ajuns inapoi la restaurant de parca facusem dus:)).
Si faza tare cu Catalina,Nicu si scaunu:)).Si la sfarsit cik Catalina ne pupa nush ce:))si knd sa il pupe pe Nicu face "pe tine nu te pup.lasa ca nu uit eu ce mi.ai fakt" =)).
Hai frateee...chiar the best day ever.Genial:X.
Va iubesc:).Te iubesc,Valentina.
Na postare in cinstea ta."Sa ne traiesti 100 de ani" =))=))=))
sâmbătă, 1 august 2009
Chris Isaak-Wicked game
The world was on fire
No one could save me but you.
Strange what desire will make foolish people do
I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you
And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you
No, I don't want to fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart]
No, I don't want to fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart]
With you
With you
What a wicked game you play
To make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do
To let me dream of you
What a wicked thing to say
You never felt this way
What a wicked thing to do
To make me dream of you
v And I don't wanna fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart]
And I don't want to fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart]
{World was on fire
No one could save me but you
Strange what desire will make foolish people do
I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you
I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you
No I don't wanna fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart
No I don't wanna fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart]
With you
With you
Nobody loves no one.
No one could save me but you.
Strange what desire will make foolish people do
I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you
And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you
No, I don't want to fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart]
No, I don't want to fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart]
With you
With you
What a wicked game you play
To make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do
To let me dream of you
What a wicked thing to say
You never felt this way
What a wicked thing to do
To make me dream of you
v And I don't wanna fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart]
And I don't want to fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart]
{World was on fire
No one could save me but you
Strange what desire will make foolish people do
I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you
I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you
No I don't wanna fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart
No I don't wanna fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart]
With you
With you
Nobody loves no one.
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